Camp begins JUNE 23rd!


(Ages 12–14)

Take summer to the next level. The best part of the great outdoors is discovering that you belong. Awesome counselors, one overnight tent adventure and bigger and better camp activities make Trailblazers a unique experience for outdoor enthusiasts!

Register Here


Ages 12–14 (must be 12 by August 31, 2025)

  • 8:1 child to staff ratio
  • $1070 per 2–week session **$990 for session 1**
  • Session 1: June 23 - July 3 Closed July 4 
  • Session 2: July 7 - July 18
  •  Session 3: July 21 - August 1
  •  Session 4: August 4 - August 15
  • Camp Programs (2–week sessions):


Your camp gives my daughter so many great experiences that she can't get anywhere else. The zipline, tubing, the flying squirrel. She comes home everyday with so much to say. My daughter, who attends alone (without friends) has been a camper for 4 summers, and always wants to return. I think that speaks volumes for what you do.

~Tonya D., 2020 Camp Parent



(Ages 12–14)

“Challenge by choice” is a fundamental tenet of our Trailblazers program. Our well-trained, certified counselors offer our teen/pre-teen campers both instruction and encouragement as they tackle a wide variety of land and water activities. Campers develop the ability to safely and successfully acquire new skills and confidence, while having fun with a different activity on campus each day of the week


Campers develop the ability to safely and successfully acquire new skills and confidence, while having fun with a different activity on campus each day of the week. Activities may include our ropes and challenge course, team-building games, mountain biking, hiking, swimming at the creek, fishing, and wilderness skills training.

This program also includes a hike, tubing along the Seneca Red Trail, and a camp out on the second Thursday of each two-week session with an off-site field trip.

Register Here

Sample Day at Camp

9:15–12:00 Adventure Activity

12:00–12:30 LUNCH

12:30–1:45 Pool

2:30–3:00 group games

Rain Plan: Butler Camp views rain as “liquid sunshine!" All activities will continue as planned except in cases of severe weather (i.e., thunder, lightning, or heavy downpour). In this case, we have indoor and undercover space where activities will continue.

What Your Child Needs


  • Backpack
  • Water bottle – refillable
  • Swimsuit
  • Towel
  • Snack
  • Lunch
  • Extra change of clothes

Start of Camp: (These items stay at camp for the session)

  • Sunblock
  • Bug spray
  • Creek shoes/boots

Counselors will advise the campers when particular clothing is required. Be sure that your camper arrives in the morning with sunscreen/bug repellent already applied.

Basic overnight needs for all activities: Sleeping pad, sleeping bag, change of clothes, flashlight/headlamp,  water bottle, toiletries, warm jacket, and rain gear. Counselors will confirm the necessary items by Friday of Week 1.

Mosquito Tips – suggested for water activities: Pack lightweight pants, long-sleeved shirt, socks, and a hat that can be sprayed with bug spray.

Skills Gained

  • Increased fitness, strength, agility, self-confidence, and fearlessness
  • Knowledge and experience with climbing, canoeing, tubing, hiking, mountain-biking, knot-tying, fishing, tent and camp set-up, outdoor cooking, wilderness skills, and outdoor/water safety
  • Environmental education, including Leave No Trace camping ethic and practices and respect for nature and others (and an appreciation for life beyond “screen time”)
  • Lifelong memories of singing and roasting marshmallows by a campfire, sleeping in the wilderness in a tent, and the confidence in wilderness skills to safely move about, cook, and create shelter.
  • Problem-solving, leadership, teamwork, decision-making, risk assessment, communication skills and, in many cases, new friends!

Trailblazers Sample Weeks


Monday Opening Ceremony, Introduction Games, Snack, Hike, Lunch, Pool, Survival Skills Shelter Building 

Tuesday Group game, Snack, Pool, Lunch,  Archery, Survival Skills Wood forage

Wednesday Low Ropes Course, Lunch, Survival Skills water filtration

Thursday Pool, Snack, High Ropes, Lunch, Survival Skills Knife Safety and fire prep

Friday Pool, Survival Skills, Lunch, Hike to the water hole, swim and hike back.  


Monday – Tree climbing with ropes, Snack, Geocaching, Lunch, Pool, Mt Bike Skills

Tuesday High Wall Climb, Lunch, High Ropes, 

Wednesday – Mountain Biking, Fishing. Go over plans for the next day's overnight.

Thursday  Tubing, Overnight camp out, (late pool)

Friday   Breakfast, Clean up, tents put away, pool, lunch, and big games!

Frequently Asked Questions


Email: [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you!

Register Here


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